Inverclyde Association for Mental Health have received a grant from the Scottish Government through the Climate Challenge Fund. This will allow us to support and encourage the local community in reducing our carbon footprints.
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telephone: 01475 553570
Did you know that the UK alone discards more than 4 million tonnes of good, edible food, each year? This is more than 80 million wheelie bins worth!
And did you know that your weekly food waste could power your TV long enough to watch 35 episodes of Game of Thrones?
Waste is so bad for the environment, that if it were a country, it would be the third largest emitter of greenhouse gasses - right behind the amount of emissions produced by the USA and China!
We want to make sure that no one is wasting good food, and we can do this in a number of ways. Through this project, you can become aware of ways in which to minimise waste.
Did you know it takes 74 times more water to produce 1 pound of beef than it does to produce 1 pound of tomatoes? That’s the difference between you taking a five minute shower, and a 370 minute shower!
Food is responsible for over a fifth of our average carbon footprint in Scotland. A lot of food emissions are tied up in processes that we aren't directly responsible for - for example, agriculture, production, processing, packaging, and transporting food. We can lower our impact on the planet by changing our attitude towards food.
How can we help you do this? Through this project you will become more aware of the carbon emissions in food.
A huge thank you to everyone who made our 2 year Climate Challenge Fund project a success!
We achieved our goals and then some, with participants in the Inverclyde area (and beyond!) becoming more eco savvy and reducing their carbon footprint through greener food and waste behaviours. We had cooking classes, gardening workshops, movie nights, Swap Shops, biking sessions, energy saving workshops, craft classes and MORE! We visited schools, nurseries, colleges, care homes, sheltered housing, garden centres, libraries and so many more groups. We're so proud of what our project has achieved and we have our fantastic local community to thank. Please continue to browse our page to see what we've been up to and what other eco projects and events we may have in the future.
For CCF groups and funders interested in reading our final report, please contact
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